2022 New Varieties Showcase winners!

Nightfall Snowbell (Styrax japonicus ‘JFS 6SJ’) was chosen by voting attendees as the People’s Choice winner in the 2022 Farwest Show’s New Varieties Showcase. The new introduction from J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co. also won the Best in Show award from the professional judges, making it a rare sweep of both top honors in the New Varieties Showcase.

Nightfall, which was bred by Oregon Nurseries’ Hall of Fame member Keith Warren, was one of 61 outstanding new selections on display at the 2022 Farwest Show. “The many great attributes of this weeping tree caught the attention of our attendees and judges alike,” said Heather Cyrus, event and education manager for the Oregon Association of Nurseries, which produces the show.

Nightfall Snowbell combines the deep purple foliage of Evening Light Snowbell with the gratefully weeping form of greenleafed cultivars such as Fragrant Fountain. It features purple emerging leaves with green undertones, which contrast with pearly white flower buds in spring. They open to reveal creamy white, bell-shaped blooms. The leaves darken as the season continues. It is available from J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co. in #10 containers and multiple bare root sizes.

Runners up in the People’s Choice voting included Midnight Express™ Redbud (Cercis canadensis ‘RNI-RCC3’ PPAF), introduced by Upshoot LLC; Hibiscus SUMMERIFIC™ Edge of Night (Hibiscus × ‘Edge of Night’ PPAF, CPBRAF), introduced by Walters Gardens; and Velveteeny™ Smokebush (Cotinus coggygria ‘Cotsid1’ PP30328, CPBR5837), introduced by Sidhu & Sons Nursery.

Runners up in the judges’ voting included: Vinho Verde Weigela (Weigela florida ‘Smnwfbgv’ PPAF), introduced by Spring Meadow Nursery; Invincibelle Sublime™ Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens ‘SMNHRL’ PPAF, CPBRAF), bred by Tim Wood and introduced by Proven Winners ColorChoice Flowering Shrubs; and Pretty Parasols Coneflower (Echinacea ‘JS Engeltje’), introduced by Concept Plants.

Judges Choice:

People’s Choice:

New Varieties Showcase

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