FREE WORKSHOP (open to all attendees)
Succession Planning, Part 1: Working with an Attorney
1:30-2:30 p.m.
Speaker: Maria Schmidlkofer, Attorney, Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt
Join attorney Maria Schmidlkofer for the first hour as she discusses engaging in estate planning early, elements of a successful succession plan and general timeline for implementation. She’ll talk through important information that you need to know about your operation to make the process run smoothly, legal tools that can help the succession process, and tips for mitigating Oregon estate tax. Stay for the second hour to take a deeper dive into conservation easements on working lands with Ivor Kincaide of Oregon Agricultural Trust and discuss how they can be used as a tool for succession.
Succession Planning, Part 2: Introduction to Conservation Easements on Working Lands
2:30-3:30 p.m.
Speaker: Ivor Kincaide, Farmland Program Director, Oregon Agricultural Trust (OAT)
A growing number of Oregon farmers and ranchers are conveying easements in exchange for cash or tax benefits to help with succession or business expansion or to make the land more affordable to the next generation. Join Farmland Program Director Ivor Kincaide to learn more about conservation easements on working lands, the benefits of easements, the process of conveying an easement and how an easement can help with farmland succession. He'll discuss Oregon Agricultural Trust (OAT) and the role a Land Trust and other organizations such as NRCS plays in partnering with landholders to protect ag land in perpetuity.