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Speaker 1: Jay W. Pscheidt, Ph.D., Extension Plant Pathology Specialist, Oregon State University
Title: Smart Spraying Grapes Leads to New Boxwood Blight Management

Description: Oregon has been on the cutting-edge evaluating sensor assisted applications of pesticides for several years. These machines work well with systemic pesticides but need simple adjustments to use contact materials correctly. All sprayers have trouble delivering pesticides to the interior of a tight boxwood canopy. Drenching systemic fungicides can overcome this distribution issue with the potential to manage diseases such as boxwood blight.

Speaker 2: Niklaus Grunwald, Ph.D., Research Plant Pathologist, USDA-Agricultural Research Service
Title: Research Updates on Diagnostic Tools for Plant Pathogens Affecting Ornamental Crops

Description: In this session USDA scientist Nik Grunwald will present research updates on the genus Phytophthora. Phytophthora pathogens are some of the most devastating pathogens known to agriculture. He is pioneering novel approaches to monitor and diagnose plant pathogens. His focus is on the sudden oak death pathogen Phytophthora ramorum.

Speaker 3: Jerry Weiland, Ph.D., Research Plant Pathologist, USDA-Agricultural Research Service
Title: Nursery Plant Disease Research Highlights from the USDA-ARS Weiland Lab

Description: In this session, plant disease expert Jerry Weiland will describe how his USDA-ARS research program serves Oregon’s nursery industry and highlight key outcomes from his research on Phytophthora root rot and boxwood blight.

Speaker 4: Luisa Santamaria, Ph.D., Professor, Extension Plant Pathologist, Oregon State University


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