2017 New Varieties Showcase

Mesa Glow® Maple
Acer grandidentatum 'JFS-NuMex 3' PPAF
Selected by Rolston St. Hilaire of New Mexico State University as a superior performer among thousands of seedlings grown from seed collected across the arid Southwest. Trialed by J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co. and co-introduced with NMSU. Zone 4.
Glossy, dark green summer foliage and bright, bold, orange-red to red fall color distinguish this upright, symmetrical selection of the native Bigtooth maple. Mesa Glow® Maple delivers the blazing fall color of the rugged Rocky Mountain canyons to urban landscapes. Perfectly suited for street tree plantings and small-scale plantings where a predictably mid-size shade tree is needed. Reasonably good drainage and regular watering during establishment period will assure the success of this hardy, drought- and heat-tolerant tree. Upright branches form a symmetrical, oval canopy as it grows to a mature height of 28 feet and spread of 18 feet.
Available as bare root from 6-foot branched to 1.25-inch caliper, as well as #10 containers, from J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co. (Booth 19026).

Burgundy Lace Hazelnut
Corylus avellana 'Burgundy Lace' (OSU 954.076) PPAF
Selected from seedlings at Oregon State University from crosses made in 1998. Introduced by Heritage Seedlings & Liners. Zones 4–8.
Burgundy Lace is especially attractive in spring and early summer because of its lacey red foliage, and in winter, when its catkins stand out against gray skies. Because it is resistant to Eastern filbert blight, disease isn't a concern. A moderately sized tree, it is easily managed even in smaller yards and it has edible nuts held in ornamental red husks. The market for this tree is wide open as an edible ornamental tree. It is the only European hazelnut combining three special traits: cut foliage, red leaf color and genetic resistance to European filbert blight. It will work well as a specimen, a smaller street tree or in place of winter or spring prominence to show off its color or colored catkins. It could be grown as a large shrub as well. Some drought tolerance once established. To yield a crop of nuts, needs cross pollination from Felix or Theta because of their late pollen release and their genetic compatibility. Since trees are produced from tissue culture, there is no graft incompatibility issue, though suckers must be removed if a single stem is desired. Moderately fast grower, with a mature height of 35 feet and spread of 30 feet.
Available as #1 containers and 3–4-foot liners from Heritage Seedlings & Liners (Booth 9037) and rooted plantlets from Microplant Nurseries (Booth 15055).

Mercury™ Magnolia
Magnolia 'NCMX1' PPAF
Developed by Dr. Tom Ranney of North Carolina State University; co-introduced by NCSU and J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co. Zones 5–8.
Deep pink, sharply pointed buds perch atop bare branches in spring before opening to very large, bright lavender-pink, fragrant flowers. They bloom up to a month later than other M. soulangeana cultivars, greatly reducing risk of frost damage. Foliage emerges bronze-red with green veins. Large, strongly textured, tropical looking leaves turn dark green and develop wavy margins as they mature. An outstanding small shade tree for yards and gardens. A strong central leader, upright branching and strong, open branch attachment combine to present an excellent pyramidal form and an attractive, symmetrical canopy. Handsome, exotic-looking foliage lends a lush, tropical look to gardens where foliage texture and seasonal appeal is desired. After 30 years in an average urban landscape setting, reaches height of 25 feet and spread of 15 feet.
Available as #3, #7 and 6-foot containers from J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co. (Booth 19026).

Sparkling Sprite® Crabapple
Malus 'JFS-KW207' PPAF
Selected by Keith Warren from the J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co. ornamental crabapple breeding program. Zone 4.
Pink buds of Sparkling Sprite® Crabapple open to fragrant, pink-tinged white flowers that smother its densely branched, rounded head. Summer foliage of this petite top-grafted tree is especially clean, bright green and disease resistant. Heavy annual flower and fruit crops promise beauty year after year. An abundant crop of tiny persistent fruits appear in late summer, and ripen to golden yellow in autumn, deepening to orange as fall becomes winter. A dense, rounded, topiarylike canopy brings a very formal appearance to the landscape. Naturally dense and rounded growth habit eliminates the need for heavy pruning or shearing to achieve a formal, topiary-like head. Vigorous growth habit includes the development of a sturdy trunk and a rounded, dense canopy. Mature height and spread are approximately 12 feet.
Available as bare root, #1 heads, 4-foot grafts and #15 containers from J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co. (Booth 19026).

Amber Glow Dawn Redwood
Metasquoia glyptostroboides 'WAH-08AG' PPAF
Bred by William Head in South Carolina. Introduced by Star® Roses & Plants. Zones 6–8 (further testing underway).
Metasequoia Amber Glow is a good alternative to Metasequoia 'Ogon', offering golden foliage that doesn't burn in full sun, along with a consistently attractive habit. The bright golden foliage emerges in the spring and becomes tinged with orange as the season progresses. This deciduous conifer has a dense, pyramidal habit that looks good at all stages of development, and makes for a great specimen tree. It will thrive in full sun with moist, well-drained soil. At maturity, Amber Glow reaches a height of 15 feet, with a 7–8-foot spread.
Available as liners and plugs from A&R Spada Farms (Booth 17031).

Dolores River Southwest Oak™
Quercus undulata 'Dolores River'
Discovered by Dr. Allan Taylor, oak-explorer and expert. He found this tree growing in the scenic, red rock canyon of the Dolores River in Montrose County, Colorado. Dolores River is part of an intensely curated program of Western adapted oaks branded as Southwest Oaks™, released by Heritage Seedlings & Liners in cooperation with Dr. Allan Taylor. Zones 5–10.
With its small, startlingly blue tinted foliage and modest stature, features not previously available commercially in an oak, Dolores River Southwest Oak™ is very desirable. The autumn change from blue to red-mahogany comes very late, November or December. It is stunning. It also broadens the market for small trees by reducing the shortage of oak trees which can be grown without high maintenance costs in the arid West. Unlike familiar oaks from the American East, monarchs of the forest, this selection for the West offers lots more landscape design flexibility and is appropriate for small sites, arid locations and alkaline soils which cause many oaks to suffer chlorosis. It will thrive in arid and drought-prone plantings as well as irrigated sites. This tree is ideally used as a specimen or in commercial plantings. It does best in full sun. This grafted form will grow with a single stem to 15–18 feet tall, with a 15-foot spread. It could easily be grown as a low branched spreading tree.
Available as #1 containers (2–3 feet) and #3 containers (5–6 feet) from Heritage Seedlings & Liners (Booth 9037).

Mesa de Maya Southwest Oak™
Quercus × undulata 'Mesa de Maya'
Selected from seedlings grown by Dr. Allan Taylor, oak explorer and expert, in Boulder, Colorado. Mesa de Maya is part of the curated program of Western adapted oaks branded as Southwest Oaks™, released by Heritage Seedlings & Liners in cooperation with Dr. Allan Taylor. Zones 5–10.
Mesa de Maya Southwest Oak™ has large blue-gray leaves which hold their color late into autumn. The foliage lacks most prickles and to many doesn't look like oak foliage. The tree, reaching 25 feet in height at maturity, will be a stunning contrast to most background colors. Because it is grafted onto very adapted rootstock, it will have a very broad range of application from Washington to Colorado, to West Texas over to California. In the West and the Southwest it will thrive in arid and drought-prone plantings but it will also flourish in irrigated sites. Suitable for use as a specimen and in commercial plantings. It enjoys full sun, and adapts to drought and high pH soils, but also thrives in irrigated landscapes. This grafted form will grow with a single stem to 25 feet tall with a 20-foot spread. It could also be branched low and grown as a multi-stemmed tree, as is common to its wild sisters.
Available as #1 containers (2–3 feet) and #3 containers (5–6 feet) from Heritage Seedlings & Liners (Booth 9037).

First Editions® Neon Burst™ Dogwood
Cornus alba 'ByBoughen' PPAF
Bred by Byland's Nursery, B.C., Canada, and introduced by Bailey Nurseries Inc. Zones 2–7.
Add a Neon Burst to your landscape with this compact dogwood. A medium-sized shrub at only 4–5 feet tall, this bright chartreuse beauty will be sure to brighten up your landscape. Unlike other bright-leaved varieties, Neon Burst retains its color throughout the summer without scorching. The new leaves are bronze-tinged and by fall become a rainbow of purple, red, yellow and orange. In winter, the stems turn a glossy scarlet red, making a statement all season! The plant does best in full sun to part shade. The growth rate is consistent with other selections of Cornus alba.
Available in #2 containers from Bailey Nurseries Inc. (Booth 17019), Van Essen Nursery (Booth 13037), Hines Nursery (Booth 7037), Oregon Pride Nurseries (Booth 8032), Robinson Nursery (Booth 18028), Sester Farms (Booth 16025) and Van Belle Nursery Inc. (Booth 8046).

Winecraft Black™ Smokebush
Cotinus coggygria 'NCCO1' USPPAF, Can PBRAF
Bred by Dr. Thomas Ranney, North Carolina State University, and introduced by Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Shrubs. Zones 4–8.
Winecraft Black™ is the first Proven Winners smokebush, so you know it must be special. In spring, the round leaves emerge rich purple, but as summer's heat comes on, they turn a deep near-black tone. They finally light up in an array of reds and oranges in fall. In early summer, large, soft panicles of bloom appear that become the misty "smoke" that makes this such a popular landscape plant. Unlike other smokebush selections, it naturally has a rounded, dwarf habit which means that finally, every landscape has room for this unique plant. This makes a striking specimen, but is also effective as a low hedge or mass planting. Winecraft Black™ smokebush is very easy to care for and requires little to nothing in the way of regular maintenance. Plant in full sun for best color and flowering. Pruning will rarely be required but may be done in spring. Grows 4–6 feet tall and wide.
Available as 2¼-inch, 4-inch and Quick Turn™ liners, and #1, #2 and #3 containers from Walla Walla Nursery (Booth 12019), Proven Winners® (Booth 3045), Van Belle Nursery Inc. (Booth 8046) and Van Essen Nursery (Booth 13037).

Dragon Warrior™ Cryptomeria
Cryptomeria japonica 'sPg-3-005'
Discovered as a branch sport of Cryptomeria 'Black Dragon' by Rick Crowder at Hawksridge Farms Nursery, and introduced by Star® Roses and Plants. Zones 5–8.
Slightly twisted new growth emerges a light green, maturing to a dark green-black. Excellent for use in a rock garden or as a specimen plant. Grow in full sun in moist, well-drained soil. Reaches a mature size of 3 feet wide and tall. Further testing underway.
Available as liners and plugs from A&R Spada Farms (Booth 17031).

Firefly™ Nightglow™ Diervilla by Blooming Easy®
Diervilla splendens 'El Madrigal' USPPAF
Hybridized in Germany by Spilkers Jungpflanzen and introduced by Van Belle Nursery Inc. Zones 4–8.
Bright yellow flower clusters in spring and summer contrast with dark red foliage that holds color from first flush to frost. The foliage begins dark red and stays that way through summer, becoming a more intense red during the fall. This Diervilla is suitable for mixed beds, borders and container gardening. It requires full sun and average soil. It has an upright and mounding habit, and is more compact than other cultivars, reaching only 24–36 inches tall and wide.
Available as 4-inch liners, #2 finished containers from Van Belle Nursery Inc. (Booth 80946) and Walla Walla Nursery Co. (Booth 12019).

First Editions® Sweet Tea™ Gardenia
Gardenia jasminoides 'PIIGA-II' PP27258
Introduced by Bailey Nurseries Inc., Watkinsville, Georgia. Zones 7–9.
This new, reblooming double gardenia has tennis-ball-sized flowers with the gardenia fragrance we all know and love. Sweet Tea™ is more upright and larger than Double Mint and is more winter hardy. It survived 4–6 F in 2013–2014 in an aboveground container with no injury and is currently being tested for Zone 6 hardiness — that's saying something since many other gardenias suffered severe damage during the same winter. Can be used in borders or containers or as an accent plant. Blooms on new wood. Requires partial shade and medium water with soil pH of 5.5–6.5. Growth habit is compact and rounded, reaching 3½ feet tall and wide.
Available as a #2 Jumpstart™ liner from Bailey Nurseries Inc. (Booth 17019).

Gold Digger™ Hollywood™ Hibiscus
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis '14002' PPAF
Bred by Jim Berry of J. Berry Nursery. Zone 9.
Hollywood™ Hibiscus, J. Berry Nursery's newest stars, shine with vibrant color, long-lasting, multi-day blooms, and outstanding bud count, making them natural performers in production, at retail and in the landscape. With this award-winning collection, retailers and gardeners will find the ideal hibiscus to meet their needs and taste. Each hibiscus cultivar showcases vivid, large, fancy blooms with rich color, while also possessing exceptional disease and pest resistance. The compact growth habits of the collection make them perfect stars for containers, and they are achieved naturally, benefitting both nursery trade and the home gardener. Gold Digger is best used in the landscape or a tropical container garden. It needs full sun and soil that is moist but not saturated. Its compact habit reaches 4 feet tall and 5 feet wide. It has a commercially friendly growth rate, with no PGRs required.
Available as liners, 6-inch, and #2 and #3 containers from Fessler Nursery (Booth 12045).

Leading Lady™ Hollywood™ Hibiscus
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis '14007' PPAF
Bred by Jim Berry of J. Berry Nursery. Zone 9.
Hollywood™ Hibiscus, J. Berry Nursery's newest stars, shine with vibrant color, long-lasting, multi-day blooms, and outstanding bud count, making them natural performers in production, at retail and in the landscape. With this award-winning collection, retailers and gardeners will find the ideal hibiscus to meet their needs and taste. Each hibiscus cultivar showcases vivid, large, fancy blooms with rich color, while also possessing exceptional disease and pest resistance. The compact growth habits of the collection make them perfect stars for containers, and they are achieved naturally, benefitting both nursery trade and the home gardener. Leading Lady has glossy green foliage and sunshine-yellow petals, with a bright white center. It is best used in tropical annual patio containers and best situated in full sun. Keep soil moist, but do not saturate. Leading Lady has a compact growth habit reaching 4 feet tall and 5 feet wide when planted in the landscape. It has a commercially friendly growth rate, with no PGRs required.
Available as liners, 6-inch, #2 and #2.25 containers from Fessler Nursery (Booth 12045).

Pollypetite™ Rose of Sharon
Hibiscus sp. 'Rosina' USPPAF
Developed by Polly Hill Arboretum on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, and introduced by Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Shrubs. Zones 5–9.
Pollypetite™ is a new hybrid rose of Sharon that anyone has space for. It naturally grows with a rounded, 3–4-feet tall and wide habit without pruning. In summer, it's loaded with lavender-pink blooms floating over the handsome dark blue-green foliage. This unique hibiscus is nearly seedless, so no nuisance seedlings will be popping up all over the yard. It's a reliable, easy-care way to enjoy color for months in the summertime. Excelling in borders, landscapes, mass plantings or a specimen plant. Like most rose of Sharon, Pollypetite needs no special care. Plant in full sun for the most flowers. If desired, it should be pruned in early spring, just as the new growth is beginning to appear on the stems. Fertilize in early spring before new growth begins. Full sun.
Available as 2¼-inch, 4-inch and Quick Turn™ liners, and #1, #2 and #3 containers from Walla Walla Nursery (Booth 12019), Proven Winners® (Booth 3045), Van Belle Nursery Inc. (Booth 8046) and Van Essen Nursery (Booth 13037).

Invincibelle Wee White™ Smooth Hydrangea
Hydrangea arborescens 'NCHA5' USPPAF
Bred by Thomas Ranney, North Carolina State University, and introduced by Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Shrubs. Zones 3–9.
Invincibelle Wee White™ hydrangea is positively ground-breaking: it's the first dwarf 'Annabelle' type hydrangea in the world! This cute little landscape plant ensures that any landscape can enjoy the reliability, low maintenance and season-long beauty of hydrangeas. It reaches just 1–2½ feet tall and naturally grows as a tidy, rounded mound. Each pure-white flower is held up on a strong, supportive stem for a display that looks more like a bouquet of flowers than a landscape plant. Blooming begins in early summer and continues through frost, with new flowers appearing the whole time. Versatile and floriferous, it just might be the solution to your landscape problems. You can use Invincibelle Wee White hydrangea in almost any landscape application. It's an especially nice choice for easy-care summer interest for foundation plantings or flower beds. We recommend a minimum of six hours of bright sun for all smooth hydrangeas like Invincibelle Wee White. Sun ensures the strongest stems and the most blooms. In hot climates, afternoon shade is a good idea, but some sun is still imperative for best performance. Grows 12–30 inches tall and wide.
Available as 2¼-inch, 4-inch and Quick Turn™ liners, and #1, #2 and #3 containers from Walla Walla Nursery (Booth 12019), Proven Winners® (Booth 3045), Van Belle Nursery Inc. (Booth 8046) and Van Essen Nursery (Booth 13037).

Invincibelle Limetta™ Smooth Hydrangea
Hydrangea arborescens 'NCHA8' USPPAF
Bred by Thomas Ranney, North Carolina State University, and introduced by Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Shrubs. Zones 3–9.
Invincibelle Limetta™ hydrangea is the easy way to experience refreshing summer color every year. It's as reliable as the classic 'Annabelle', but offers big-time improvements, like strong stems that hold the blooms upright all season, and a dwarf, rounded habit that makes it perfect to plant anywhere, from foundations to flower gardens. In early summer, spheres of lime-green flowers appear. They lighten to a soft green-white before turning jade-green for the rest of the season. They last clear through frost for a persistent show that takes practically no effort on your part — they are great for both fresh and dried cut flowers. Excellent in borders, containers, cut flower, mass plantings and specimen plantings. Needs at least six hours of sun for the strongest stems and the most abundant flowers. In hot climates, afternoon shade is beneficial, but some sun is still recommended for the best results. Prune in early spring, just as the new growth begins to emerge on the stems. Remove any dead wood and cut the entire plant back by about one-third its total height. Mulch with shredded bark and fertilize in early spring. Grows 30–36 inches tall and wide.
Available as 2¼-inch, 4-inch and Quick Turn™ liners, and #1, #2 and #3 containers from Walla Walla Nursery (Booth 12019), Proven Winners® (Booth 3045), Van Belle Nursery Inc. (Booth 8046) and Van Essen Nursery (Booth 13037).

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Miss Saori' PP26657
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Miss Saori'
Bred by Ryoji Irie from Japan and introduced by Concept Plants. Zone 5a.
This particularly beautiful hydrangea was presented as a debutant at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show and won the title "2014 Chelsea Plant of the Year," meaning it was declared the best of 40 entries. This prestigious title was awarded because of the vivid colors and special qualities of this hydrangea. The double-petalled, sterile flowers have deep-rose margins. This color softens to white in the center and forms a nice contrast with the dark foliage that turns burgundy in spring and autumn. 'Miss Saori' has a long flowering period that starts in June. Flowers even on first-year wood. The ideal location is in full sun or semi-shade. Beautiful in borders or containers, but also excellent as a cut flower. Matures to 40 inches tall and wide.
Available as 4-inch liners from Silver Falls Nursery (Booth 3061).

Candy Apple™ Hydrangea
Hydrangea paniculata 'SMHPMWMH' PPAF
Developed in Michigan and introduced by Monrovia. Zones 4–8.
As today's gardens get smaller, consumers are looking for plants that will fit within smaller spaces and Candy Apple™ fits the bill. This new and irresistible hydrangea variety has the same look as Limelight, on a more compact form. Big lime-green panicles age to nearly pure white, held atop sturdy stems that don't flop. This can be a show-stopper for containers, or a foundation shrub in smaller gardens. Likes full sun to part shade. Prefers evenly moist, rich, loamy soil, but is adaptable to many soil types. Follow a regular watering schedule during the first growing season to develop a deep, extensive root system. Apply a controlled-release fertilizer in early spring. Blooms each year on new wood; prune in late winter or early spring. Reaches 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide.
Available as #2, #3 and #5 containers from Monrovia (Booth 17037).

Mademoiselle™ Holly
Ilex × meserveae 'Madez' PPAF
Discovered as a seedling by Paul Hanslik of Holly Ridge Nursery in Madison, Ohio. Introduced by UpShoot LLC. Zones 5–8.
Mademoiselle Holly has shiny, dark, blue-green mature foliage with eye-catching chocolate-merlot new growth. This unique evergreen foliage coloration adds a striking new dimension from this workhorse genus in the landscape. As a female holly it bears white flowers and provides red berries, creating winter interest and food for birds. Can be used individually, in a grouping of multiples of three or five, or as a hedge or barrier planting. A perfect plant for attracting wildlife. As with many holly, Mademoiselle takes to shearing and can be sculpted into a variety of shapes. Prefers full sun and moist, well-drained, rich, slightly acidic soil. A naturally upright grower with an approximate mature height of 12–15 feet and spread of 8–10 feet. A fast and strong grower.
Available as liners and #3 containers from Silver Falls Nursery (Booth 3061) and Van Essen Nursery (Booth 13037).

Bellini™ Grape Crape Myrtle
Lagerstroemia 'Congrabel' PPAF
Bred by Mike Farrow in Maryland and introduced by Star® Roses and Plants. Zones 6b–10.
The Bellini™ Series crape myrtles maintain a dense, compact habit in the landscape, not exceeding 4 feet in height after five years of trialing in West Grove, Pennsylvania. Plants in the Bellini series have also bloomed about two weeks earlier in trials than other compact varieties on the market. The series exhibits exceptional resistance to powdery mildew. Bellini™ Grape produces purple blooms the first year in a container after transplant from a liner. Plants maintain an attractive compact, rounded habit in the landscape. Plants will rebloom from a trim. The compact habit is well suited for plantings in the middle to back of the bed. Grow in full sun in moist, well-drained soil. Compact and dense, it will reach 3–4 feet tall and wide.
Available as liners and plugs from Kraemer's Nursery (Booth 15031).

Bellini™ Raspberry Crape Myrtle
Lagerstroemia 'Conlagras' PPAF
Bred by Mike Farrow in Maryland and introduced by Star® Roses and Plants. Zones 6b–10.
The Bellini™ Series crape myrtles maintain a dense, compact habit in the landscape, not exceeding 4 feet in height after five years of trialing in West Grove, Pennsylvania. Plants in the Bellini series have also bloomed about two weeks earlier in trials than other compact varieties on the market. The series exhibits exceptional resistance to powdery mildew. Bellini™ Raspberry produces deep pink blooms the first year in a container after transplant from a liner. Plants maintain an attractive compact, rounded habit in the landscape, and will rebloom from a trim. The compact habit is well suited for plantings in the middle to back of the bed. Grow in full sun in moist, well-drained soil. Compact and dense, it will reach 3–4 feet tall and wide.
Available as liners and plugs from Kraemer's Nursery (Booth 15031).

Black Diamond® Purely Purple™ Crape Myrtle
Lagerstroemia indica '#18 Li' PPAF
Bred by Jim Berry of J. Berry Nursery. Zones 6–9.
Purely Purple is an aesthetic standout with dramatic dark foliage and stunning purple blooms. This resilient plant will perform in the most challenging landscapes due to its sun and drought tolerance. Purely Purple is incredibly versatile in function as it can be pruned to tree form, shrub form, perennial form, and is stunning as an annual in a patio container or landscape. It features black foliage from spring until first frost, along with masses of purple blooms from early summer until frost. It works as a feature tree, flowering shrub, patio container, perennial, or even annual color for zones 5 and below. It takes full sun and is drought tolerant once established. Intermediate habit with a mature height of 10–12 feet tall and width of 8 feet.
Available as liners, and 8-inch and #2, #3, #5, #7 and #15 containers, from Fessler Nursery (Booth 12045).

Infinitini Watermelon™ Crape Myrtle
Lagerstroemia indica 'G2X133181' USPPAF
Bred by Michael Uchneat of Spring Meadow Nursery and introduced by Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Shrubs. Zones 6–10.
Sweet summer color! Get abundant blooms effortlessly with Infinitini Watermelon™ Crape Myrtle. The newest in our series of dwarf crape myrtle, this space-saving little shrub grows as wide as it is tall for practically limitless landscape applications. By midsummer, it's smothered in vivid watermelon-pink flowers. Careful where you plant it — it just may stop traffic! Fall brings a blend of yellow, orange and red foliage before winter reveals attractive peeling bark. The low-spreading habit of the Infinitini® crape myrtles means they can be used in a whole new way in landscaping. Excellent in borders, containers, mass plantings or specimen planting. Infinitini crape myrtles need little maintenance. They naturally grow with a wide and low habit, so they require no regular pruning. However, if pruning is desired, do so in early spring, just as the new growth begins to emerge on the stems. Cut out any dead wood in spring as well. Grows 2–4 feet tall and wide.
Available as 2¼-inch, 4-inch and Quick Turn™ liners, and #1, #2 and #3 containers from Walla Walla Nursery (Booth 12019), Proven Winners® (Booth 3045), Van Belle Nursery Inc. (Booth 8046) and Van Essen Nursery (Booth 13037).

First Editions® Straight Talk™ Privet
Ligustrum vulgare 'Swift'
Bred by Mike Jeronium of Green Acres Nursery in Golden, Colorado, and introduced by Bailey Nurseries. Zones 4–8.
Perfect as a vertical accent in tight spaces, Straight Talk™ is only 2 feet wide and tightly upright. Cold hardy and drought tolerant, it's easy to grow in a wide range of soils and tolerates urban conditions. Perfect for screening and hedging. Best uses are in a screening hedge or as a vertical accent. Adaptable and hardy. No special needs. Reaches 12 feet tall and 2 feet wide.
Available as #1, #2 and #5 Jumpstart™ liners from Bailey Nurseries Inc. (Booth 17019).

Strait-Laced™ Elderberry
Sambucus nigra 'SNR1292' USPPAF
Developed by Ken Tobutt and Fiona Wilson of the United Kingdom and introduced by Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Shrubs. Zones 4–7.
Beautiful elderberries like Black Lace® and Black Beauty™ have long been some of our most popular varieties — but as fairly large plants, not everyone has space for them. Enter Strait-Laced, an amazing narrow, upright variety that takes up only a few square feet of ground. Feathery black foliage covers broomstick-straight stems that shoot toward the sky but stay in a narrow column. Early summer brings hundreds of pink flowers to contrast with the leaves. It's an exotic looking plant that's surprisingly hardy and easy to grow! The columnar habit takes up far less space than other elderberries. Elegant, feathery black foliage provides unmatched color and texture. Pink flowers emerge in early summer. With its unusual columnar habit, there are practically limitless landscape uses for Strait-Laced Elderberry. It works well in pairs as a formal planting at entryways or in containers; it also makes a quirky and eye-catching specimen in any landscape or garden. Easy care. Regular pruning is not required, but any dead wood should be removed in early spring. Any errant shoots can be pruned out to the ground as needed. Plant in full sun for best color and shape. Not recommended for warm climates. Grows in part sun to sun. Grows 6–8 feet tall and 3–4 feet wide.
Available as 2¼-inch, 4-inch and Quick Turn™ liners, and #1, #2 and #3 containers from Walla Walla Nursery (Booth 12019), Proven Winners® (Booth 3045), Van Belle Nursery Inc. (Booth 8046) and Van Essen Nursery (Booth 13037).

Cabernet Splash™ Blueberry
Vaccinium 'VacBri1' PPAF CPBRAF
Discovered and introduced by Briggs Nursery, Elma, Washington. Zones 4–8.
The new foliage on this blueberry bush emerges a deep, dark cabernet color, then mottles cabernet/green as it matures, finally changing to a fire-red color in the fall. It produces an abundance of medium-sized, delicious berries. Cabernet Splash™ works as an edible ornamental in deciduous backgrounds, in borders or mass plantings, or as a container specimen. Needs full sun, in acid soil, with consistent moisture and fertility. It stays vigorous to 4 feet high and wide.
Available as liners and #1 and #3 containers from Briggs Nursery (Booth 18037).

Date Night™ Strobe™ Weigela by Blooming Easy®
Weigela 'WoF/R' USPPAF
Hybridized in The Netherlands by Gijsbertus Verhoef, and introduced by Van Belle Nursery Inc. Zones 4–8.
This is an improved version of 'Wings of Fire' weigela. You can expect more compact shape, better foliage, color variation and abundant flowering. From spring through autumn, you'll see vibrant pink flowers against green and bronze foliage that changes to orange and then crimson-red. Ideal for mixed beds, borders and container gardening. Full to part sun; average soil. Reaches 3 feet tall and wide at maturity with a mounding growth habit.
Available as 4-inch liners, #3 finished containers from Van Belle Nursery Inc. (Booth 8046) and Hochstein Nursery LLC (Booth 19046).

Agastache rupestris
Selected by Dr. Stephen Love at the University of Idaho Aberdeen Research Center from seed received from Western Native Seed. Introduced by Native Roots LLC Zones 4–8.
Fragrant bush of gray-green foliage with violet and orange flowers that bloom from July to frost. It provides a large supply of food for hummingbirds, bees, butterflies and other pollinators. Ideal for a dry garden setting as a background or specimen plant. Full sun. Well-drained soil. Adaptable to any neutral or alkaline soil. Water regularly to establish and cut back in late fall or spring to a low mound. Maintenance free. Grows as a large, rounding bush, reaching height and diameter of 30–40 inches.
Available as 50-count plugs, and 4-inch, 6-inch and #1 containers from Walla Walla Nursery (Booth 12019) .

Corydalis Hillier™ 'Porcelain Blue'
Corydalis 'Porcelain Blue'
Bred by Hillier Nurseries in the United Kingdom and introduced by PlantHaven International. Zone 5.
Most Corydalis selections are summer dormant, whereas Corydalis Hillier™ 'Porcelain Blue' blooms from early spring through fall. It offers a strong growth habit unlike any other Corydalis on the market. Produces masses of electric-blue flowers, with profuse repeat flowering. Attractive cut blue-green foliage. Works well in pots and containers, as a garden border and in modern landscapes. Grows best in well-drained soil. Tidy, clumping growth habit reaching 10 by 12 inches.
Available as 72-cell plugs from Skagit Gardens (Booth 16049).

Dianthus American Pie™ Key Lime Pie
Dianthus 'Wp15 Pie 41'
Bred by Whetman in the United Kingdom and introduced by PlantHaven International. Zone 5.
The pure-white blooms with unique apple-green centers on this dianthus are a breeding breakthrough. The single blooms are large and fragrant, with a timeless elegance. Cool-blue foliage. Works well in containers, borders and mass landscape plantings, and as a cut flower. Best grown in well-drained soil. Compact mounding habit grows to 11 inches tall and wide.
Available as 72-cell plugs, 162-cell plugs and 2.5 quart containers from Skagit Gardens (Booth 16049).

Dianthus American Pie™ Georgia Peach Pie
Dianthus 'Wp15 Pie 45'
Bred by Whetman in the United Kingdom and introduced by PlantHaven International. Zone 5.
Dianthus American Pie™ Georgia Peach Pie is the first Dianthus with peach- and mandarincolored blooms. It boasts a unique color pattern throughout the flower petals. Blooms are large and fragrant, with a timeless elegance. Cool-blue foliage. Works well in containers, borders and mass landscape plantings, and as a cut flower. Best grown in well-drained soil. The growth habit is compact and mounding, reaching 11 inches tall and wide.
Available as 72-cell plugs, 162-cell plugs and 2.5 quart containers from Skagit Gardens (Booth 16049).

Dianthus American Pie™ Bumbleberry Pie
Dianthus 'Wp15 Pie 54'
Bred by Whetman in the United Kingdom and introduced by PlantHaven International. Zone 5.
A breakthrough in color pattern throughout the flower petal — saturated rose-pink blooms with unique, vivid pink centers. Blooms are large and fragrant, with a timeless elegance. Cool-blue foliage. Works well in containers, borders and mass landscape plantings, and as a cut flower. Best grown in well-drained soil. Compact mounding habit grows to 11 inches tall and wide.
Available as 72-cell plugs, 162-cell plugs and 2.5 quart containers from Skagit Gardens (Booth 16049).

Galaxy Glow Euphorbia
Euphorbia 'Galaxy Glow'
Bred and introduced by Concept Plants, The Netherlands. Zone 6.
This unique euphorbia has beautiful pink new growth in spring and spectacular, unusual rosy blooms in summer. It is well suited for landscapes, rock gardens and containers. Very low maintenance, drought tolerant once established and unique texture in the garden. Does best in well-drained soil and part to full sun. Growth is wide and moderate, reaching 30 inches tall and wide at maturity.
Available as #1 containers from Skagit Gardens (Booth 16049).

FloralBerry™ Sangria St. John's Wort
Hypericum inodorum '13-028-01' PPAF
Developed in The Netherlands and introduced by Monrovia. Zones 5–8.
Hypericum has risen to one of the top cut flower stems in the world, and it's not the flower — it's because of the berry. There is truly no St. John's Wort in the market quite like this one in terms of foliage color and berry power! It has fantastic dark red foliage and an even darker large berry to complement the look. This Hypericum was bred for the cut flower industry with guaranteed beautifully colored berries on a well-branched plant. It is great for the garden and as cut stems for your home decorating. Can be used as a specimen plant or planted in drifts where they can truly show off. Grows to 3 feet wide and tall at maturity.
Available as #2 containers from Monrovia (Booth 17037).

Penstemon Pentastic™ Red
Penstemon 'YAPROSE' PPAF
Bred by Fred Yates from the United Kingdom for Concept Plants. Zone 7a–10.
This fantastic Penstemon Pentastic™ has so much to offer! You can enjoy its lovely rose/red or pink color throughout the seasons. It is bred for the best of both worlds — for the potted plant grower and the home gardener. The series has broad leaves with short, stiff stems holding the blooms clear of the foliage. Penstemon Pentastic™ has large flowers and is reblooming. It is not susceptible to diseases, and it branches very well. You can use it for combined colors when you put 2–3 unrooted cuttings of the series together in a plug. The Pentastic™ Penstemon is a wonderful perennial for borders, mixed containers and as a solitary. Plant it in a well-drained soil in full sun. Pinch after flowering for rebloom. Reaches 8–12 inches tall and 4–6 inches wide.
Available liners from Skagit Gardens (Booth 16049).

Viola Magnifi Scent® 'Amy'
Viola 'Amy'
Introduced by PlantHaven International in the United Kingdom. Zone 5.
As the name would indicate, this Magnifi Scent™ viola has very fragrant blooms. It flowers throughout the season as opposed to others that only bloom in the spring. 'Amy' has bi-color lavender blooms with sunshine-yellow centers. It is bred for beauty and fragrance. The blooms are medium to large, 1½ inches in diameter. It is well suited for containers, borders and mass landscape planting. It works well in full sun, part sun or part shade. It has a vigorous compact rounded habit, reaching 4–9 inches by 6–9 inches.
Available from PlantHaven International (Booth 16047).

Viola Magnifi Scent® 'Blue Sails'
Viola 'Blue Sails'
Introduced by PlantHaven International in the United Kingdom. Zone 5.
This Magnifi Scent™ selection features frilled blooms in elegant crisp white tones with bold striking delft-blue edges. Bred for beauty and fragrance, and for long season of interest in patio pots and containers. Suitable for containers, borders and mass landscape plantings. It works well in full sun, part sun or part shade. It has a vigorous compact rounded habit, reaching 4–9 inches by 6–9 inches.
Available from PlantHaven International (Booth 16047).

Viola Magnifi Scent® 'Bonny'
Viola 'Bonny'
Introduced by PlantHaven International in the United Kingdom. Zone 5.
Bi-color lavender blooms with sunshine-yellow centers. It flowers throughout the season as opposed to others that only bloom in the spring. Bred for beauty and fragrance. The blooms are medium to large, 1½ inches in diameter. Suitable for containers, borders and mass landscape plantings. Suited for full or part sun or shade. It has a vigorous compact rounded habit, reaching 4–9 inches by 6–9 inches.
Available from PlantHaven International (Booth 16047).

Viola Magnifi Scent® 'Sunny Jim'
Viola 'Sunny Jim'
Introduced by PlantHaven International in the United Kingdom. Zone 5.
Warm sunshine-yellow blooms. Bred for beauty and fragrance. It flowers throughout the season as opposed to others that only bloom in the spring. The blooms are medium to large, 1½ inches in diameter. Suitable for containers, borders and mass landscape plantings. It works well in full sun, part sun or part shade. It has a vigorous compact rounded habit, reaching 4–9 inches by 6–9 inches.
Available from PlantHaven International (Booth 16047).

Viola Magnifi Scent® 'Sweetheart'
Viola 'Sweetheart'
Introduced by PlantHaven International in the United Kingdom. Zone 5.
Frilled cream/primrose-colored blooms with elegant mauve edges. Bred for beauty and fragrance. The blooms are medium to large, 1½ inches in diameter. Suitable for containers, borders and mass landscape plantings. It works well in full sun, part sun or part shade. It has a vigorous compact rounded habit, reaching 4–9 inches by 6–9 inches.
Available from PlantHaven International (Booth 16047).

Black Beard Black Mondo Grass
Ophiopogon 'Black Beard'
Hybridized by Steve Yanall and offered by Concept Plants. Zone 6.
Blackbeard offers long, narrow, intense black blades and purple flower spikes. Great for use in borders and containers and as a ground cover. Prefers rich, well-drained soil kept evenly moist. The growth is more vigorous than other Ophiopogon varieties. Reaches 12 inches tall by 24 inches wide.
Available as quart and #1 containers from Skagit Gardens (Booth 16049).