Frequently Asked Questions

Each exhibiting company receives 4 badges per 10×10 space with a maximum of 12. Exhibitor badges allow access to the show floor prior to and post show hours. Additional passes may be purchased for $10 each. Please note: If employees are working during show hours, companies may also register them with a comp pass or purchase a show only badge. Employees who are coming to set-up or tear down the booth are not required to wear badges.

All exhibitors and visitors to the Farwest Show must wear a badge to gain admittance to the trade show floor. Attendees 17 and under do not need to pay admittance.

Exhibitor badges are not mailed. You can pick up your badges at the Show Office in room C120 at the Oregon Convention Center during move-in or anytime during the show.

The Farwest Show limits the number of exhibitor badges issued in an effort to strengthen show security and protect the valuable assets of all exhibitors. An exhibitor badge entitles the holder to enter the exhibit hall at 8 a.m. on days of the show and to remain on the floor for a reasonable length of time after the show closes each day in order to make necessary preparations for the next day’s business. It’s been our experience that few, if any, exhibitors need more than 12 people to be on the show floor during non-show hours.

We will no longer be sending out your move-in pass like years prior. Please see the schedule below to see what time you are able to move in based on your booth number.

All booths numbers:
Monday, August 18: 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
Tuesday, August 19: 8 a.m.–8 p.m.

You may move-in anytime during move-in hours. All booth displays must be completed by 8 p.m., Tuesday, August 19.

Please contact your event team at to have your personalized exhibitor link re-sent.

The General Service Contractor for the Farwest Show is Fern Expo. All exhibitors will automatically receive an introduction email from Fern Expo with instructions on setting up your password so you can order all show services and items for your booth online. After you’ve logged on and created an account you will be able to order services from Fern Expo. Please email the Fern Expo Exhibitor Services Department at should you have any questions or need the email and instructions for online ordering re-sent.

Utility services, including electricity, compressed air, water fill-up or drain, natural gas, telephone/Internet and audio visual are provided by the Oregon Convention Center. You can order these services online, through the Oregon Convention Center at 503-731-7918 |

All show rules are important, and all exhibitors and their representatives are expected to know the rules. However, there are a handful of rules very specific to Farwest and we encourage all exhibitors to pay particularly close attention to regulations on Display Configuration, Sub-Leasing their space, Exhibitor’s Solicitations and Special Equipment Restrictions, including Hazardous Materials.

View the booth map and choose your booth. Completed requests will be reviewed and the show manager will contact you via email. You can also contact Allan Niemi at 503-582-2005 or

$1,395 for OAN members and $1,995 for non-members for each 10 foot x 10 foot space. Each corner booth is an additional $125 per 10 foot x 10 foot space. An additional charge is included for an island booth.

For questions about exhibiting at the Farwest Show, please contact Allan Niemi at 503-582-2005 or

For all other questions, please contact the Farwest Show Team at 503-682-5089 or

Thank you to our sponsors!

The Peters CompanyAtticusGreen ProfitHip LabelsSQM-LOGOscrollHarrellsLogoAmericanHortCorteva logoAgWestMicroplantNurseriesLogoAmerican National InsuranceMAS LABOR H2ABloominEasyLogoTravel PortlandGowanLogoAnderson PotsBall HorticultureBio Safe
The Peters CompanyAtticusGreen ProfitHip LabelsSQM-LOGOscrollHarrellsLogoAmericanHortCorteva logoAgWestMicroplantNurseriesLogoAmerican National InsuranceMAS LABOR H2ABloominEasyLogoTravel PortlandGowanLogoAnderson PotsBall HorticultureBio Safe