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Speaker 1: Jana Lee, Ph.D., USDA Entomologist
Title: Using Natural Enemies in Outdoor Nurseries, and Silicon for Pest Management

Speaker 2: Man-yeon Choi, Ph.D., USDA Research Entomologist
Title: Biological Targets for Controlling Thrips in Nursery Crops

Description: This seminar will present biological targets such as hormones, proteins, bioactive peptides, and pheromones found in the western flower thrips, as well as molecular methods and tools such as genomics, proteomics, and analytical chemistry. The goal is to discover biologically-based targets to develop new IPM methods for thrips.

Speaker 3: Brittany Barker, Ph.D., Assistant Professor (Senior Research), Oregon IPM Center Dept. Of Horticulture, Oregon State University
Title: Boxwood Blight Risk Infection Modeling Tools

Description: The invasive pathogen, Calonectria pseudonaviculata, causes boxwood blight on susceptible cultivars of boxwood, Buxus sempervirens and related species. This seminar will present a new web app that produces high-resolution maps of the risk of boxwood being infected by boxwood blight in western Oregon and Washington. Additionally, it will review other boxwood blight infection risk apps available at USPest.org, which calculate risk for single sites using weather station data.

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