Continuing Education – Recertification Credits

Thank you for your interest in Continuing Education at the Farwest Show Seminars. The Farwest Show is seeking approval from the states below for education sessions to be approved for Pesticide Recertification credits. As state approvals are secured, they will be listed below.

APLD – Association of Professional Landscape Designers
ISA – International Society of Arboriculture
OLCB – Oregon Landscape Contractors Board
CDPR – California Department of Pesticide Regulation*
IDA – Idaho Department of Agriculture
ODA – Oregon Department of Agriculture**
WSDA – Washington State Department of Agriculture

*All CDPR courses approved for 1 “Other” credit.
**All ODA courses approved for 1 “Other” credit, unless otherwise noted.

NOTE: The Farwest Show is seeking approval from the above states for education sessions to be approved for Pesticide Recertification credits. As state approvals are secured, they will be listed below.

A- Arborist
C- Climber
L- Aerial Lift
M- Municipal
U- Utility
Bs- BCMA Science
Bp- BCMA Practice
Bm- BCMA Management

Thank you to our sponsors!