People in the green industry work harder and longer than in many other sectors. The average farmworker is on the clock for at least 45 hours a week, according to the National Agricultural Workers Survey. Finding time to invest in your own professional development is not easy. That still doesn’t mean growers don’t have questions:
- How much area can a soil moisture sensor cover?
- When do I need to apply plant growth regulators (PGR)?
- How much will I save with crop adapted spraying?
- Is it easy to use the H-2A program?
- What biological controls are frequently used on plant nurseries?
Nursery trade shows offer a chance to answer those questions. It’s no secret that hosting a booth at a nursery trade show is a lot of work from set-up to tear down, but many trade shows also run an education program that makes up for the extra effort. There are a lot of seminars to choose from and each speaker provides sound advice on nursery operations.
The classes are often brief — at around 45 minutes — and sales demonstrations are not allowed. Researchers, engineers, and industry experts host dozens of talks to explain the latest developments in pesticide resistance, irrigation technology and water management, soil amendments, erosion control, conservation programs, and much more.
The biggest green industry trade show in the West, the Farwest Show, is one that offers more than 40 hours of brief classes that can answer grower questions. A good number of those classes discuss managing pests and diseases.
Pesticide applicators can kill two birds with one stone, too. Pesticide recertification credits are available through certain classes, so applicators can put the time towards retaining their licenses. Up to 6 CEU (continuing education units) are often up for grabs with registration.
Almost every stable entrepreneur uses trade shows to build a solid customer base and run a successful business. Nursery owners and operators have the added benefit accessing lessons to help them be better growers. Explore Farwest and other shows near you to grow your business.
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