Nursery Science Summit: Plant Pathology
Room B119Speaker 1: Jay W. Pscheidt, Ph.D., Extension Plant Pathology Specialist, Oregon State University Title: Smart Spraying Grapes Leads to New Boxwood Blight Management Description:
SHOW DATES: AUGUST 20-22, 2025 SHOW HOURS: Wednesday: 10am – 5pm | Thursday: 10am – 5pm | Friday: 10am – 2pm Contact: 503-682-5089
Professor, Extension Plant Pathologist, Oregon State University
Luisa Santamaria is a professor and Extension Plant Pathologist at Oregon State University, NWREC, in Aurora, OR. Over the last twelve years, Luisa has led a unique bilingual education program for the nursery industry and other agriculture commodities to promote the production of healthy plants, food safety, and good agricultural practices. Her applied research focuses on disease management in ornamental and nursery crops, especially those caused by soilborne pathogens. She is currently collaborating on a grant-funded project that explores national approaches to managing boxwood blight.
Spanish Translation:
Professor – Extensionista Fitopatóloga
Luisa Santamaria es profesora y fitopatóloga de extensión en la Universidad Estatal de Oregón. Durante los últimos doce años, Luisa ha liderado un programa educativo bilingüe para la industria de viveros y otros grupos de agricultores para promover la producción de plantas saludables, la seguridad alimentaria y las buenas prácticas agrícolas. Su investigación aplicada se centra en el manejo de enfermedades en cultivos ornamentales y de viveros, especialmente aquellas causadas por patógenos transmitidos por el suelo. Actualmente colabora en un proyecto que explora enfoques a nivel nacional para el manejo del tizón de boxwood.
Speaker 1: Jay W. Pscheidt, Ph.D., Extension Plant Pathology Specialist, Oregon State University Title: Smart Spraying Grapes Leads to New Boxwood Blight Management Description:
Speaker: Luisa Santamaria, Ph.D., Professor, Extension Plant Pathologist, Oregon State University Boxwood plants, which are widely utilized in gardening and landscaping, are seriously threatened by